Friday, April 6, 2012

Our old friend Jen is in town from Ontario for several nights with her 4 month old son. Up Tunnel Mtn this morning putting all the kids in backpacks and other devices. Crisp at 10am but warmed up substantially turning into a gorgeous day.

Marn took Seth to Norquay in the afternoon with Aidan and Patty. Both kids skied Mystic Chair for the first time, Bruno's Gully run top to bottom...crazy! was going on so no shortage of action with live music inside and outside with locals everywhere.

Saw Wildcat Roubaix Race has been cancelled. 
Blast of a road race with 3 odd kms' of gravel thrown in there each lap. Was easily one of the funnest, hardest, most random races of the year when we took part 3 yrs ago. Had a 50 person pack in Cat A so no shortage of firepower out there. Would be $$ if we could round up a crew of RMCC guys for it.

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