Sunday, November 27, 2011

Frank can run

Frank W sure can run. 16th in the Big Sur half, 16th in 2010 as well....1hr 12mins jeez.

His pace is a tad faster than my casual 1hr morning runs with 130-150 avg HR, my targeted zones right now.....hard to keep it that slow some times.

Days OFF work starting today.....skate ski tomorrow in Lake Louise if it does not snow too much tonight.

Not sure if in our schedules with family and all but I wish as we have had amazing days here


Friday, November 25, 2011

Gift for X mas

Looking for a gift for somebody interested in improving nutrition, check Dave's gift card option!/eatperforma

Good on him for helping Christian Meier with nutrition now!/christianmeier
Would be interesting to see what an athlete like Christian eats for performance.

Like I said earlier, very luck to have bumped into Dave.

Skating party

Jack built a bench for his tools, Seth could not sleep at night wanting to play with tools instead

Grandpa Bob gave Seth his 1st set of clubs...just the start

Skating party was hilarious! Perfect venue at Banff Rec Centre

Thanx Jane for making the cake, delicious!

Rory motoring along now

Random note, hear a slide triggered to the ground inbounds at the Lake off Ptarm chair safe out there.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Seth is 3 years old

Seth turned 3 years old today, wow time flies! He is at playschool with mom currently being Helper of the day, brought his tool belt for show and tell that he received this morning.

46 piece tool set, should have seen his eyes when he opened it

Already fixing things

Off to the Rec Centre this afternoon for a skating party with his friends, will post pics later.
Gran Fondo Rockies 2012 info is up
Hands down one of the most challenging, scenic races out there.

If anybody would like, I have a 3 month Life Works membership + 3 classes for sale.
$222 value but will blow it out very cheap

This morning's sunrise, why we live here

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Snow and rest week

Woke up to this 


Week 4 of this training phase = rest week. Even though it is a building block, still require a week of rest for recovery. Few activities on the go, hours are just cut down substantially. Reading more and more on this periodization training which is all very exciting to me.

Looking outside right now and it has started to rain...crazy weather!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Seth has been skating now 5 times at Johnston Lake. Of course, the little crazy kid has picked it up being able to skate 5 or 6 strokes on his own now.

Both Marnie and I are shaking are heads as we do not wish to be sitting in a hockey arena for the next 15 yrs, but we'll see what happens  :)

Flying around holding onto the net

Cousins in sled, Seth left side on his own

Loving the new mixture of intervals Dave has introduced to me to. This combined with strength workouts and other activities have made for another fun week of keeping active. Marnie just finished her own '30 day challenge' of yoga practicing an average of 6 days / week, this has got her back into it to start teaching again next month.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Holy S#@$ skate ski

7am 1hr run this morning keeping it mellow around Tunnel Rd. Get home and 30 mins later Marn is off to yoga. Half hr after she arrives back, we are off to Moraine Lake Rd.

Leave Banff with dirt on the ground where Moraine and Lake Louise are winter wonderlands, solid several feet of snow on the ground out there.

Skate skiing Moraine Rd is a mission as it is, let alone pulling 50lbs of kids behind you in a Chariot. Perhaps should have stuck to the flatter 1A road or such for our first day, but might as well start the season with as tough as it will almost get. Eye balls popping out the entire slug out to the plateau finish. Wore the Garmin to record the effort, solid avg HR. 

Marnie was killing it out there, stopping and waiting for me every so often. I kept telling her to go and enjoy it, she is so smooth out there. 


Speaking of eating up

Just touched on this. Cyclingtips blog just posted an informative article here, particularly the paragraph on overtraining with dietary restrictions- Performance & health consequences of being too lean

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Biking in Indo

How wicked that Cory W is biking around Indonesia after his Malaysia race! I commented on his blog for him to visit Bukit Lawang to see Orangutans, one of only 2 places in the world to do so...seems he took the advice.

North Sumatra was a trip to visit years ago for Marnie and I, quite dangerous at the time with the rebels in Aceh and all but seeing the orangutans in the wild was one for the books. Biking through those tiny villages trying to communicate with the locals is a once in a lifetime experience for him, wow.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Taking it easy

Never thought spinning easy would be so hard. On the trainer lately and for that matter the next 2 months in the 125 HR range, bored out of my mind but knowing this specific training will reap benefits in the long run. Thankfully ski videos and Tool blaring passes the time. Loving the 7am runs, strength workouts and other activities to keep the body going.

Monday, Tuesday OFF coming up, excited to skate ski Moraine Lake road with the family.....

Friday, November 11, 2011

Eat Up

Was speaking to Dave V about nutrition where he mentioned 99% of his clients do not eat enough carbs, which he changes of course while working with them.
Seems so many think eating less means loosing weight which may be true but potentially will lead to loss of power with more importantly one's body will start dipping into protein stores for energy if the carb amounts are not there. This of course takes away from protein's main duty of repairing damaged tissue, a lose lose situation for an athlete.

Saw an article on a tiny village in Kenya which won 40% of International marathons last year, average diet of the runners consists of 70% carbs!!!

Eat up to fuel the body.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Only a few weeks of the year we are lucky enough to skate on the local lakes, where it is cold enough but no snow yet.

Johnston Lake this afternoon. Seth's first time on skates, priceless.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Nationals Revenge

Day after Nationals,

dirty Movember stashes


What a weekend for Edmonton's Pepper Harlton. With Edmonton's Hardcore club well represented in the Masters cats. Man I need a cross bike.

Ski legends in Banff

Did not catch their films this past weekend at the Film Festival, but was very luck to see ski legends Mike Douglas and Chris Davenport walking the streets of Banff.

Mike's film article and teaser

Couple yrs ago bunch of us followed Chris and friends down a run at Sunshine during the Celebrity Ski, amazing to watch one of the best skiers in world at work - so fluid! His film here was on the 50 peaks above 14k he skied in one season in Colorado.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mom in half marathon

Just saw the results from the half marathon my mom was in today in Scotsdale AZ, 3rd place in the 65-69 category!

66 yrs old and running halfs. We are so proud of you, an inspiration to us mom!

Winter is here

What a difference a week makes. Last Sunday enjoying a mtn bike ride with +7, -13 with snow on the ground this Sunday. Saying that the views with snow on the peaks and blue skies are hard to beat anywhere in the world.

View from front of the house

From back of house

Bucks are still around 

Winterstart Run

Fun run last night with 1,400 other people under a full moon with -6 temps. Happy with consistent pace not blowing up, but 30 sec slower than last yr. In the inter company competition, I took it beating out a guy who runs all the time by 24 seconds, he was not impressed...sorry Jon  :)   No shortage of free beers during the after party in the parkade.

Speed Theory's Frank W killed it as usual on the running scene with a 4th Overall, man that dude can run fast! Local Ellie spanked me by 6 minutes, distance a tad shorter than her 9hr run last month in Chile.

Leighton won his age group, pic of jersey holders. Impressive with 3 days OFF after Brasil!

Given'r to a 3rd place

Saturday, November 5, 2011

and Schooler in 3rd

speaking of genes. Emily Batty takes the Elite women's with her brother 2nd in Men's Elite
Peter Lawrence took 50+ National X cross champs this morning. Peter is awesome, 50+ and still rides Cat 2 on the road as well.....I still have hope  :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

eesh, just down this trail last Sunday
Boys still are rocking and rolling after stage 2 at La Ruta.

Absolutely loving my new training program, and the fact that much of it involves not being on the bike. So this week I have taken part in various other 'sports' which will give vast improvements in my core and agility.

The limited time I am on the bike will be very specific to train certain systems and zones. Winging it in the past by myself has been fine, but this new type of training has me fired up for 2012 where my true ability will come out. I am very lucky that I bumped into Dave in Banff while forging this partnership now, love how life works like that......

Went for a run earlier this week, first in almost a year. Hammi's and quads were sore for days....hope I recover for Saturday's 8km night run  :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pic from La need for words

Friend Liz saw on Jon Firth's Facebook saying the 1st stage was the hardest day ever on a bike for him, strong words from a Norco sponsored rider!
Wicked, Leighton 12th Overall and 1st in his category after first stage.
Big Brian Cooke and John Firth 25th and 33rd, wonder if they had mechanicals?

Break down of age categories

Travis Hauck who nailed the Bow 80 leading his category as well, think he is from Revelstoke??