Monday, July 25, 2011

"Off the couch" Gran Fondo and Little Bow

Signed up for in March excitedly. But after Banff races, realized how much biking takes it's toll on the family. Being I wanted to keep my wife and kids, I literally biked 'hard' only twice (2hrs per) in the next 5 weeks putting on 15 lbs with the thought of forgoing the Fondo race and entry and just enjoying our summer. I did bike with the kids several days / week but still. Feeling quite gross in Whitefish over a # of drinks, decided to enter the Fondo while coordinating it with a family trip to Little Bow - only 45 mins drive from there to Nanton. Steve found a $30 left crank for my bike as well so was first time on the road bike in almost 5 weeks - ouch

            Woke up Saturday morning in Banff to fresh snow on the peaks while being able to see your breath, 3 hour drive later arrive to high 20's at Little Bow - same province?

Show up at the start line expecting maybe a few top guys, well not only a few but a whole lot. Trek Red Truck, HR Block and all sorts of boys were there going for the $500 1st prize. Now I was saying to myself 'what was I think going in a 140km race having ridden 4 hrs in the previous 5 weeks'?

Our group in the Elite race consisted of 35 guys, within 20 minutes it was down to 12 after the first set of hills!! I made that 12, rode hard for next 1.5hrs when Dallas and I popped after a savage peppering of attacks on a large hill. Rode the duration with Dallas, Jeff Bolstad and another dude where we split up near finish, I ended up 12th. 

Quiet happy considering my fitness and the caliber of riders in the top 12 - half of them just back from a week of racing BC Superweek and being full time riders. took the sprint over 40 year old Ian Auld with Kris Dahl in 3rd - the 3 of them got in a breakway in the attacks when I cracked.

Overall one of the funnest, hardest days on the bike. The terrain was as good as it gets - hills after hills and repeat. It's too bad there were no fellow RMCC members there - sure missed out. Congrats to Sean Taylor with for 8th place and $185.

45 mins drive later I was back at the lake in cooking weather, 5 mins after arriving down at the beach with a beer - perfect. Mike had his boat out so good times on that as well

Seth in drivers seat with his 6 'girlfriends'

Boys playing

Thanx Dave for the nutrition tips

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