Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Another beauty weekend

This was our 5th weekend out of town in the past 7 weeks. We sure have lucked out each time away with hot weather and sunny skies.

Left Banff with overcast and 21 degrees, arrive at my parents in Fairmont to blue skies and 29. Dad cooked up some yummy chicken lolipops with yams/squash on the BBQ to start off our trip.

Mini golf next morning, Seth loved it!

Picking their raspberry bushes

Soaking in the overflow hot spring creek

Mom sure got her 'fix' this weekend

Monday morning drove to Fred and Kelsie's trailer in Windermere, straight to their boat for the day. Marn and I tried surfing for the first time. Fred sure made it look easy with 360's and other assortment of tricks. Much harder when trying for 1st time, but once up it was a riot! Thanx for the day on the boat guys.

Marn just getting up on her 1st attempt

Seth doing what he loves best, being the driver

Life is great!

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